
The Thomas Fire’s “Scorched Souls”

The Thomas Fire’s “Scorched Souls”

Photographing “Scorched Souls” The Thomas Fire devastated communities in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties, CA. We each found different ways to cope with the disaster and, as artists often do, created individual works that expressed their feelings about the tragedy. The Ojai Studio Artists gathered together to mount an exhibition at the Ojai Valley Museum titled Scorched Souls. It showcased the diverse responses of accomplished artists to the fire that attacked their community. I overheard…

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Sculpture by Len Poteshman

Is your art collection invisible?

A family’s art collection is always among the most valued of possessions. However, it can be very challenging to document and care for a collection. Sometimes an accomplished artist passes away and his or her heirs accept the mantle of responsibility for preserving that legacy as it was in the case of Len Poteshman. And, sometimes a couple downsizes their home and must place a cherished collection into storage. Many changes in life necessitate finding…

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sunset being photographed

Solar Eclipse Photography

It’s exciting to photograph Solar eclipses, and there is the big advantage of not requiring one to stay up all night as is the case with most astro-imaging work. If you are interested in photographing the Sun, please check out the links provided in this post. It is very important to keep the safety precautions in mind. We all know that we should not stare into the sun – this can quickly cause severe eye…

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I Never Thought I Would Do This!

If you had told me that I would ever, in a million years, hold giant cockroaches in my hands, I would have shouted, “NEVER!” Well, as James Bond said, “never say never.” Actually, I had great fun at the “Critter Demo” at Brooks Institute. We bring Dennis Sheridan, a professional animal wrangler, on campus to provide small animals for our students to photograph. When I saw a young woman start the day scared to death…

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