Scott Miles has a unique combination of talent and experience when it comes to photography, art and science. He is a passionate visual communicator who brings scientific methodologies to his image capture process. His high standards for imaging led him to become an expert in Digital Asset Management (DAM) and workflow processes. Artists and organizations that Scott has worked with have elevated their recognition with images that capture every detail with hard to achieve lighting and composition.
Photography & Video Production
Digital Workflow Consultation & Design
Photographic documentation of the work that you and your department performs is critical to the institution’s preservation mission. However, many people struggle with organizing their images for efficient retrieval. Ensuring the safety of the image archive through consistent backup methodologies is also critical to your workflow.
Your organization’s imaging workflow is an end-to-end system of working with digital images. From capture to delivery, simplification and standardization are key to creating a well-established workflow process. We will design a workflow process that is customized for your staff and will help simplify and speed up the process of working with images, allow you to stay organized, improve your efficiency and bring consistency to your work.
We design readily accessible methods for efficient retrieval and distribution of your images, and information on backup practices as suggested by the Library of Congress through the dpBestflow project, with special emphasis on taxonomy and metadata. Scott is available to design the optimal digital workflow that will please even the most demanding organization.
Digital Asset Management
Today’s fast paced world places exceptional demands on organizations to be as efficient as possible with their digital library. High-quality images are just the beginning. With proper management these are some of the many advantages your organization can achieve:
- Find files fast based off of specific metadata captured in the file
- A central location for all your digital files that is secure and properly backed up
- Embed copyright or contact information into every image
- Keep files securely maintained in the DAM system while sharing with internal and external teams.
We are available to design a management system that works with your internal staff’s existing processes to make it easily adaptable. Scott’s academic approach instructs staff in a way that ensures success. The amount of time saved from looking for lost files will give your team much needed time to spend on more important tasks.

Wood sculpture by Thomas Matsuda

Fishbone basket by Gerri McMillin

Bronze sculpture by Danielle Anjou
Scott transforms an ordinary image into an extraordinary statement of my art.
More About Scott
Scott Miles began his love for museums from his many childhood visits to art, technology, cultural heritage and natural history museums. Those trips were fascinating explorations of the world outside his reach and he still feels the same today.
Achieving his degree in professional photography with an emphasis on scientific and industrial photography contributed to reinforcing the science and museum pursuits in his professional career. He discovered that as a photographer he could make the invisible, visible. Scientific phenomena and subjects that are too small, too fast, too slow, outside the visible spectrum of light, could all be revealed with the right imaging techniques – and he has mastered those techniques.
Under it all is a desire to tell stories about individual human endeavor. How did the scientist make sense of the processes that lead to her discoveries? How did that artist come to understand the world in the way he presents in his artwork? How did a group of settlers develop the agricultural techniques that allowed them to thrive in a new environment? Scott’s master’s degree in online education taught him how to tell these stories using his camera and the latest delivery and communications technologies so that they can easily be shared with the world.